Covid-19 sucks. This temporary new normal of flattening the curve to save lives by not overwhelming the health care system, social distancing, and stay at home orders has created some large, and in many cases , uncomfortable challenges. We are all in this together.
With that said, NEOLUG appreciates all of the health care workers, first responders, and essential workers performing their duties to keep us all fed, safe, and healthy. Thank YOU!!
This lockdown has created some extra time for many people. For some, this time is being spent towards positive opportunities: catching up on the ‘honey-do’ list, spending more quality time with your immediate family (whom you are stuck with during lock down), getting to know your neighbors from the confines of your own home, and developing healthy habits. For some of us at NEOLUG, it is also a time for us to make some LEGO creations. In our photo gallery, you can see some of the works we built during this time, and in preparation for our cancelled May shows, as large gatherings are not permitted currently as illustrated by the illuminated closed sign in the library’s window.
Lastly, NEOLUG appreciates the invitations from the Westlake Porter Public Library for their annual comic book day give away event, and International Women’s Air and Space Museum’s family day event at Burke Lakefront Airport. We look forward to displaying our creations at these venues next year. Until then, stay safe, stay healthy, and come see our creations when gathering are permitted once more.