It was snow filled cloudy day, and NEOLUG members strapped on their snowshoes and hiked 2 or more miles uphill in the snow with their MOCs strapped to their backs. Their destination: FOX8’s front yard to participate in the 17th Annual Operation Giving Tree event. Upon arrival NEOLUG’s LEGO artists setup a Christmas winter scene display for all the attending children (and adult children at heart) to say – “Yeah, Olaf is here!!”.

Despite the less than cooperative weather, the event was well attended and a glowing success for the charitable event. Folks from the community drove up and helped out Santa by giving generous donations to support needy families in 5 local counties. When the event ended, NEOLUG put back on their snowshoes, and hiked 2 or miles uphill filled with the warmth of the happy folks attending the event. Whichever Holiday you celebrate, may it be joy and happiness.