NEOLUG is returning to the Westlake Porter Public Library!

On Saturday, July 14, 2017, NEOLUG will display amazing LEGO creations at the Westlake Porter Public Library. The event is scheduled from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and it’s free and open to the public.

No registration required for any of the events. If you’re looking for a fun way to spend your Saturday, head over to the library, located at 27333 Center Ridge Rd, Westlake, OH 44145.

For more information about events happening at the Porter Public Library, check out their website here.

NEOLUG at the International Women’s Air & Space Museum

NEOLUG participated again this year at The International Women’s Air & Space Museum annual Family Day on May 5, 2018.  This year, NEOLUG featured several LEGO® creations during the event including Todd Wolf’s Mather recreation.

International Women’s Air & Space Museum Family Day

The surprise of the event was when President Trump landed at the airport for an event that was being held later that day in Cleveland Ohio.

International Women’s Air & Space Museum Family Day

NEOLUG had a blast at Canton Kidfest

This February, NEOLUG attended the third annual Canton Kidfest 2018, an indoor family fun day at the Canton Civic Center. KidFest featured activities for the whole family, including games, prizes, crafts, activities, a rock climb wall, inflatables, a petting zoo, live music, and guest appearances by famous characters from sports, television, and movies. Thousands of families visited this year’s event.

Canton Kidfest 2018

Canton Kidfest 2018
NEOLUG was on site, with a display of club member LEGO creations and a large LEGO play area for visitors inlcuding a LEGO “walk of fire,” LEGO balloon sculptures, and LEGO building stations.
Canton KidFest 2018
Canton Kidfest 2018

Canton Kidfest 2018

For more photos of the event, check out our Flickr account. Also, check out this awesome video below that shows the event setup, public hours, and the tear down all in one minute. Look towards the back of the center on the stage to see NEOLUG!

Come See NEOLUG at the Solon Historical Society this Weekend!

If you’re looking for a fun, free event this weekend, why not bring your friends and family to the Solon Historical Society this Sunday? NEOLUG members will be displaying LEGO creations of all sorts and chatting with visitors. The show is free and open to the public this December 3, 2017 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm. Solon Historical Society is located at 33975 Bainbridge Rd, Solon, OH 44139.

Brick Universe

Come see the rest of NEOLUG’s creations at Brick Universe Saturday, September 29 and Sunday, September 30. To get a taste of what to expect, watch our own EJ Bocan’s on Cleveland’s own Kickin it with Kenny, from Fox8.

Greyson Beights, creator of Brick Universe, is also in the video.