NEOLUG and Sir Troy’s Toy Kingdom is excited to present Adult Brick Connection: A Meet up for AFOLs. This event will occur Saturday, May 11, 2024 between 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM at Sir Troy’s Toy Kingdom’s flagship store located at 4304 Belden Village St. NW, Canton, OH 44718.
The goal is to have AFLOLs meet, chat, and engage in impromptu events as decided by attendees.
Examples of events you can organize:
[] Part draft: Find some folks who want to part the same set, purchase it at the store, part it out there at tables provided.
[] Gaming: The store will be open to customers while we are engaged in this event. Bring a kid friendly, game (or purchase one at the store), find some attendees, and play a game 
[] Food: There are plenty of chain and unique eateries near by to try and experience.
This event is for you. The limits are your imagination. Registration is now closed, and we look forward to seeing attendees at the event. The Adult Brick Convention page is updated with activities.